Don't you love it when wisdom comes right out of the mouths of our loved ones? Dave's right. So, let's go with your idea about setting up sessions for tutorials and help. Hey, we can put them on the google calendar that I'm going to figure out this weekend if it kills me. :) That way we can definitely differentiate and spend the time they're going to need one-on-one. Some of the papers on shared drive are good; some, not. I like your idea about contacting other systems and seeing if they would share their papers. How about you e-mail them and see if they're game. I'm wondering how they go about having their students set up their papers in terms of organization and framework. Come to think of it: I was on the senior project listserv last year (the national one) and occassionally got e-mails from that organization. I'll contact them and inquire about mentor texts as well. You're absolutely right about having mentor texts/models that are written by students close in age. It is more meaningful. I'll also post the inquirey on our talkie listserv. Tell Dave that we also have hidden motives/agendas for doing an outstanding job with our kids in this block. :)
I know how easily I can get overwhelmed with technology and the biggest contributing factor to that is not having the TIME to really try it out with one-on-one help. Now, the learning curve for me is a lot bigger than I suspect it will be for our students. But, you're right: we need to keep in mind our goal of empowering students versus overwhelming them. Hey, notice I have added tags to our blog posts? Yes, I think I have the hang of it. Now to figure out the details about google calendar and how to get the photos on my mac onto wikis and blogs not to mention e-mailing them. Remind me to take photos during our gp block this Thursday. I want to be able to put some on the wiki. I'm keeping my camera with me at school. We also need to have someone take our picture so that we can put it on this blog.
posted by Valerie
Day 9 of the March SOLSC #SOL25: Classroom Challenge Sunday!
Welcome to Day 9 of the March Challenge. Today is also our first Classroom
Challenge Sunday! Share some comment love with young writers today.
9 hours ago
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