Well, a little more time has passed before I could get here and blog about how our first GPE blok went. 30 minutes was too short but we did make our students aware of the resources. And your idea to have them sign up for one-on-one tutoring sessions on how to use the sources is a good one. Sierra is so excited about how to incorporate pictures into her blog. Her blog is looking fabulous by the way. We need to work with her a little on adding more reflection to her summarization of her poetry in residence experiences.
I heard our juniors really liked the sunglasses we gave them. Mrs. Schultz told me the next day that Blake had his glasses on and told her it was because his "future was looking very bright." Mrs. Rich came down the next day and asked why we had made her look bad since she didn't have graduation project survivor bags to hand out to her kids. Apparently, Morgan showed her bag to Mrs. Rich. So, I know our students were delighted at their treats; they know we're here to support them through this journey.
Each senior received a Survivor Bag with these items:
Sweetarts to help them get through the sweet and bitter moments.
Bubbles because as they blow them, remember to incorporate imagination.
Kush balls to deal with the stress.
Paperclips to help them keep it all together and stay organized.
Rubberbands because they need to practice flexibility.
A stick of gum to help them remember to chew on their ideas.
A string because everyone needs a lifeline.
A mirror to help them to reflect during this experience.
A balloon because at the end of the journey, each person will have soared to new heights.
Each junior received a pair of shades with their names written on the side because their future is looking very bright.
Each student received a card with their new gmail account and password, their Del.icio.us account and their personal blog information as well as our GPE wiki.
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